Na tym polega rzeczywistość. To sen, jaki śnią wszyscy razem.
The world through English 3, Szkutnik, Pankhurst
The World through English.
Rok wydania 1984, Warszawa,
Unit 66-100,
Stan bardzo dobry
The world through english 2
The world through english 2
autor: Szkutnik, Pankhurst
wydawnictwo: PWN
wydanie: trzecie
rok wydania: 1984
ilość stron: 390
oprawa: miękka
ilustracje/zdjęcia: tak
mapy/tabele/wykresy: tak
stan: bardzo dobry
Książka nieużywana.
W Warszawie możliwość osobistego odbioru na pl. Narutowicza.
The world through English
Autor: L.L. Szkutnik, J. Pankhurst, 3 tomy, książki do nauki języka angielskiego
Cena 20 zł. W cenę wliczony jest koszt wysyłki
Forma płatności – wpłata na konto
Gramatyka języka angielskiego
Cena 10 zł. W cenę wliczony jest koszt wysyłki
Forma płatności – wpłata na konto
Angielska gramatyka na wesoło
Oficyna NAJA-press, 1994
Cena 15 zł. W cenę wliczony jest koszt wysyłki
Forma płatności – wpłata na konto
Angielskie czasy
Oficyna NAJA-press, 1993
Cena 15 zł. W cenę wliczony jest koszt wysyłki
Forma płatności – wpłata na konto
Let`s read in English
Oficyna NAJA-press, 1993
Cena 15 zł. W cenę wliczony jest koszt wysyłki
Forma płatności – wpłata na konto
Mini rozmówki angielskie
Cena 10 zł. W cenę wliczony jest koszt wysyłki
Forma płatności – wpłata na konto
Sztuka tłumaczenia tekstów angielskich
Cena 15 zł. W cenę wliczony jest koszt wysyłki
Forma płatności – wpłata na konto
Say it with us - kurs języka angielskiego dla zaawansowanych (podręcznik)
Cena 15 zł. W cenę wliczony jest koszt wysyłki
Forma płatności – wpłata na konto
1) Szkolny słownik ortograficzny
2) Opracowania lektur i wierszy
3) Słownik Szkolny
4) Biblia i mitologia
5) Sofokles - Król Edyp
6) lektury Gimnazjum
7) Sofokles - Antygona
8) Vademecum Biologia
9) Powtórka z literatury - Renesans, Barok
10) Historia Powszechna
11) Powtórka z Małżeństwa
12) Atlas Sveta
13) Leksykon ucznia - j. Polski
14) Matematyka - wzory i definicje
15) Serce nie sługa
16) Wpisy do pamiętników
17) Kurier Marsjański - komiksy
18) Kung Fu Panda
19) SMS na każdą okazje
20) najlepsze polskie dowcipy
21) domowe wypieki
22) ciasta dla każdego
23) Ciasta i ciasteczka
24) kuchnia ojca Tomasza
25) obiady na niedziele
26) zbiór doświadczeń z chemii organicznej
27) współczesna chromatografia cieczowa
28) Pan Tadeusz
29) World through English
30) między zabawą a chemią
31) Peru przed inkami
32) metody chiralooptyczne w chemii
33) kinetyczne metody badania mechanizmów reakcji
34) filmy o miłości
35) miłość na co dzień
36) piłka nożna - technika
37) rysunek zawodowy dla Stolarza
38) Fizjologia smaku
39) Pamiętnik byłego posła ziemii pruskiej
40) W. Sikorski - przyszła wojna
41) Moje pierwsze boje
42) O dziewczętach dla dziewczyn
43) Listopad 1918
44) CYD
45) J. Beck - Ostatni raport
46) S. Rowecki - Grot
47) Nastolatki urządzają swój pokój
48) Jeden dzień Iwana denisowicza
49) Gdy słońce było Bogiem
50) Podstawy automatyki
J. Iwaszkiewicz - Dramaty
Zamorska Jagiellonka
Wspomnienia z pobytu w ZSRR
Prądzyński - Zaprzepaszczone szanse
Władysław Broniewski
Historia oręża polskiego
Żeglarstwo Śródlądowe
Powstanie kościuszkowskie
Stracone szanse
Mały przewodnik po Polsce
Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie
Poczet pisarzy i poetów świata
Jan Paweł II Pamięć i tożsamość
Zapomnij o okularach - poradnik
Magiczne światy Harry' ego Pottera
Stefan Friedman - krzywym okiem
Frelek - księgi miłości i zdrady
Pieśń o Józefie Hallerze
Trening Joggera
Komm mit 8
Syzyfowe prace
Jak zostać gwiazdą w 7 dni
O kotach i psach
Jak pisać
Najpiękniejsze miasta Polski
Wielki Sennik
Kwiaty w domu
Katastrofy ekologiczne
Encyklopedia zdrowia rodziny
The World Through English, t.1
Podręcznik do nauki angielskiego tom 1, autorzy: L.L.Szkutnik i J.Pankhurst, wydawnictwo PWN
tel. 790 560 839
- Wpłata na konto
- PayU
Koszt wysyłki przy zakupie 2 i więcej książek:
Najwyższy indywidualny koszt wysyłki spośród zakupionych książek
+ Dopłata 1,50 zł za każdą zakupioną książkę nr 2-6
+ Książka nr 7 i kolejne bez dodatkowej opłaty za wysyłkę
Proszę o zapoznanie się z zasadami obowiązującymi w moim sklepie na stronie "o mnie"
Oprawa: miękka
Stron: 172
Stan: db+
When London is lost beneath the rising tides, unconscious desires rush to the surface in this apocalyptic tale from the author of ‘Crash’ and ‘Empire of the Sun’, reissued here with a new introduction from Martin Amis.
Fluctuations in solar radiation have melted the ice caps, sending the planet into a new Triassic Age of unendurable heat. London is a swamp; lush tropical vegetation grows up the walls of the Ritz and primeval reptiles are sighted, swimming through the newly-formed lagoons.
Some flee the capital; others remain to pursue reckless schemes, either in the name of science or profit. While the submerged streets of London are drained in search of treasure, Dr Robert Kerans – part of a group of intrepid scientists – comes to accept this submarine city and finds himself strangely resistant to the idea of saving it.
Inne ciekawe książki English Library
Słownik Języka Angielskiego - Concise Oxford English Dictionary - 11th
Concise Oxford English Dictionary: 11th Edition
Obszerny słownik angielsko-angielski dla średniozaawansowanych lub zaawansowanych. W pełni angielski
The World`s Most Trusted Dictionaries.
Now in print through its various editions for almost a century, the Concise Oxford English Dictionary is one of the most popular choices in Oxford's renowned dictionary line, selected by decades of users for its up-to-date and authoritative coverage of the English language.
This revised eleventh edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary presents the most accurate picture of English today. It contains over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, providing superb coverage of contemporary English, including rare, historical, and archaic terms, scientific and technical vocabulary, and English from around the world. The revised edition of the dictionary has been updated with hundreds of new words--including sub-prime, social networking, and carbon footprint--all based on the latest research from the Oxford English Corpus. In addition, the dictionary now features an engaging new center section, with quick-reference word lists (for example, lists of Fascinating Words and Onomatopoeic Words), and a revised and updated English Uncovered supplement, which examines interesting facts about the English language. Sprinkled throughout the text are intriguing Word Histories, detailing the origins and development of numerous words. The volume also retains such popular features as the hundreds of usage notes which give advice on tricky vocabulary and pointers to help you improve your use of English. Finally, the dictionary contains full appendices on topics such as alphabets, currencies, electronic English, and the registers of language (from formal to slang), plus a useful Guide to Good English with advice on grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Authoritative and up to date, the Concise Oxford English Dictionary offers unsurpassed coverage of English, perfect for anyone who needs a handy, reliable resource for home, school, or office.
Wydawnictwo Oxford University Press
Rok wydania 2004
Ilość stron 1708
Oprawa twarda
Stan ogólny: bardzo dobry
Koszt przesyłki – 9zł
Gorąco polecam
667 - pokaż numer telefonu -
Andrew Ross Sorkin - Too Big To Fail (Zbyt wielcy, by upaść) (j. ang)
Książka nowa, nieczytana, stan idealny. Możliwa wysyłka pocztą lub odbiór osobisty na terenie Łodzi lub Pabianic.
Okładka miękka: 640 stron
Wydawca: Penguin (1 Lipca 2010)
Język: English
Wymiary: 12.9 x 2.8 x 19.8 cm
They were masters of the financial universe, flying in private jets and raking in billions. They thought they were too big to fail. Yet they would bring the world to its knees.
Andrew Ross Sorkin, the news-breaking New York Times journalist, delivers the first true in-the-room account of the most powerful men and women at the eye of the financial storm - from reviled Lehman Brothers CEO Dick 'the gorilla' Fuld, to banking whiz Jamie Dimon, from bullish Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to AIG's Joseph Cassano, dubbed 'The Man Who Crashed the World'.
Through unprecedented access to the key players, Sorkin meticulously re-creates frantic phone calls, foul-mouthed rows and white-knuckle panic, as Wall Street fought to save itself.
Advanced Language Practice with key - Michael Vince - Macmillan
Oferuję podręcznik "Advanced Language Practice with key - English Grammar and Vocabulary". Autorzy: Michael Vince, Peter Sunderland, wydawnictwo Macmillan, okładka miękka, format 20 x 27 cm, 328 stron, stan db, 55 rozdziałów z ćwiczeniami i kluczem odpowiedzi (pięć pierwszych rozdziałów wypełnionych ołówkiem).
Możliwa wysyłka lub odbiór osobisty w Warszawie.
Polecam osobom przygotowującym się do egzaminów CAE/CPE (C1/C2).
Advanced grammar systematically revised and consolidated through a variety od exercises in the CAE and new CPE exam formats.
Comperhensive coverage of common topic areas from CPE and CAE papers.
Focus on lexical problem areas such as collacation, idioms, word formation and phrasal verbs.
CAE nad CPE skills and language developed through a range of informal and formal texts.
Regular consolidation units.
Grammar index and wordlist.
Ideal for self-study or classroom use.
1. Present time
2. Future time
3. Past time
4. Present perfect
Consolidation 1
5. Passive 1
6. Passive 2
7. Conditionals
8. Unreal time and subjunctives
Consolidation 2
9. Modals: present and future
10. Modals: past
11. Inversion
12. Emphasis
Consolidation 3
13. Reported speech
14. Articles
15. Relative and non-finite clauses
16. Verbs + infinitive or -ing
Consolidation 4
17. Verbs + prepositions
18. Prepositions
19. Phrasal verbs 1
20. Phrasal verbs 2
21. Phrasal verbs 3
Consolidation 5
22. Linking words and phrases
23. Punctuation and spelling
Consolidation 6
24. Further practice
25. Leisure activities
26. Travel and movement
27. News events
28. Places
29. Media and advertising
30. The natural world
31. Work
32. Business and money
33. People and relationships
34. Social problems
35. Entertaiment
36. Goverment and society
37. Health and the body
38. Word issues
39. Thinking and feeling
40. Technology
41. Quality and Quantity
42. Education
43. Word formation
44. Multiple meaning
Word and phrases - 10 chapters
Grammar answers
Vocabulary answers
Words and phrases answers
Nowa strona 1
Select Music
Przed dokonaniem zakupu prosimy o zapoznanie się ze stroną "O nas".
Firma fonograficzna
Nośnik / Ilość
Wydawnictwo Decadance przedstawia 6-płytowy box zawierający doskonale wyselekcjonowane największe, oryginalne, klasyczne chilloutowe, taneczne i klubowe hity. Styl ten przybliżają nam takie gwiazdy jak: Deepest Blue, Groove Armada, Nightmares On Wax, Moby, Kruder & Dorfmeister, Underworld, Future Dub Quartet i wiele innych.
CD 1:
1. Avalanches - Since I Left You
2. Knobe - Slip into Something More Comfortable
3. Wonder Wayne (Smooth Summer Mix) - No Letting Go
4. Groove Armada - My Friend
5. Cullum Jamie - High & Dry
6. King Chung - Bubble Love
7. Tosca - Mango Di Bango
8. Nightmares On Wax - 70S 80S
9. Gilberto Regina - Don't Know Why
10. Leonore Heidi - Everybody Loves The Sunshine
CD 2:
1. Jakatta - American Dream
2. Bernstein Andrew (American) - Any Other Name
3. Sabres of Paradise (Beatless Mix) - Smokebelch II
4. FC Kahuna - Hayling
5. Barber Samuel - Adagio For Strings
6. Space Raiders - Beautiful Crazy
7. Sueno Latino - Sueno Latino
8. Zoot Woman - It's Automatic
9. Man Called Adam - Estelle
10. Thrillseekers (Tranquilo's Mix) - Dreaming Of You
CD 3:
1. Moby - In This World
2. Yanou, DJ Sammy (Candleight Mix) - Do Heaven
3. Energy 52 (Michael Woods Remix) - Cafe Del Mar
4. Bent - Magic Love
5. Underworld - Little Speaker
6. Deepest Blue (Jon Hopkins Mix) - Deepest Blue
7. Jones Digby - Pina Colada
8. Miles Of Ailes - Children
9. Stoikev Kirsten (Carl Vega Dub Mix) - Laura
10. Lazy Calm Ensemble - Quiet Storm
CD 4:
1. Badly Drawn Boy - Disillusion
2. Womack Bobby - California Dreamin'
3. Bonobo - The Plug
4. Future Dub Quartet - Kept Away
5. Burnett Simon (Rhodes Dub) - South London Soul
6. Reno - When You're In Love
7. Sholan - Can You Feel (What I'm Going Thru)
8. Faure - Pavane
9. Affleck Julius - Gates Of Triumph
10. Bartram George - Symphony To Innerself
CD 5:
1. Kruder & Dorfmeister - High Noon
2. Sawhney Nitin - Falling
3. Badmarsh & Shri (Bonobo Mix) - Signs
4. Afterlife (The Isatiable Mix) - Dub In Ya Mind
5. Dj Fidelity - Keep On Steppin'
6. Jones Digby - Kitty's Theme
7. Burnett Simon (Simon's Dub) - Love From Rio
8. Dj Classix - For All The World
9. Faure - Sicilienne
10. Hidell-Berg Terence - Gregorian Journey
CD 6:
1. Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde
2. Aim (Feat. Rogers Kate) - The Girl Who Fell Through The Ice
3. Only Child - Space Disco Latino
4. Dual Control - Time Wasters
5. Ikon - The Dove
6. Future Dub Quartet - Lights Out On Broadway
7. Burnett Simon - Theme For A New Day
8. DJ Classix - Media Luna
9. Affleck Julius - Hagrid's Dream
10. Preece Henry - The English Garden
Blu-Ray muzyczne
Chill Out
DVD muzyczne
Ethno, Folk, World music
Hip Hop
Nowe brzmienia
Płyty winylowe
Pop Music
Rock 'N' Roll
Składanki-Various Artists
Soul, Funk
Techno, Trance
STEREOPHONICS - rewind 2007 _2DVD
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Regon 010436451
NIP 951-112-54-28
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2DVD Stereophonics
Produkt oryginalny. Original item.
Stan: dobry+ (nieznaczne ślady użytkowania).
Condition: good+.
Opakowanie: stan dobry+ (nieznaczne ślady użytkowania).
Jewelcase: good+.
Poligrafia: bardzo dobra, bez śladów użytkowania; covers: very good
kod kreskowy / barcode / nr: 5060131390666
Wydawca / Label: V2 Music 2007, EU [West Europe]
32 stronicowa książeczka (booklet)
Dolby Digital 5.1
Regions: wszystkie / all
Obraz / Screen: 16:9 4:3
Czas / Time: 240
Język / Language: English
Napisy / Subtitles: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch
Disc One: Rewind (100 mins) plus extended scenes, the full set of theatrical trailers for Rewind PLUS a 60 second preview for Stereophonics' new album
Disc Two: Over 30 live performances, from 1997 to 2006 - including many rare recordings and a never-before-seen acoustic concert from 2001, promoting Just Enough Education to Perform.
1. Goldfish Bowl
2. Eyelids
3. Sandwiches
4. Local Boy
5. Bartender
6. Roll Up and Shine
7. Wouldn't Believe Your Radio
8. Nice to be Out
9. I Stopped To Fill My Car Up
10. Mr Writer
11. Live Forever (with Noel Gallagher)
12. I Wouldn't Believe Your Radio (with Noel Gallagher)
13. Step On My Old Size 9s
14. Have A Nice Day
15. Don't Let Me Down
16. Traffic
17. Every Day I Think Of Money
18. Mama Told Me Not To Come (with Tom Jones)
19. Caravan Holliday
20. Handbags and Glagrags
21. Angel
22. I Wouldn't Believe Your Radio
23. The Local Boy In The Photograph
24. Nice To Be Out
25. Mr Writer
26. Vegas Two Times
27. Maybe Tomorrow
28. Jealousy
29. Moviestar
Rewind is your first opportunity to see the private face of Stereophonics...growing up, getting together, sending off 12 demo tapes a week, the first break-out record and on through growing success, recognition by their musical peers, internal struggles, world tours, four consecutive No.1 albums, their first No.1 single Dakota, and continued success...
The film follows Stereophonics from their earliest pre-signed performances through to their latest sell-out stadium tours. Created from hundreds of hours of footage, Rewind includes home-movies of their very first gigs, behind the scenes interviews, backstage footage, promo videos, on-tour diaries and multi-camera stadium performances.
The documentary also features some of the biggest names in music: Ronnie Wood, Paul Weller, Noel Gallagher, Bono, Jimmy Page, Jools Holland, Roger Daltrey, the Black Crowes and Tom Jones.
Complete with over 2 hours of performance footage and DVD Extras, this is the ultimate video record of Stereophonics' first ten years, packaged in limited edition Steelbooks.
Celine Dion [Blu-ray +2 CD] Une Seule Fois [2013]
Celine Dion:
Through the Eyes of the World [Blu-ray]
Nowe, fabrycznie zafoliowane
Oryginalne, zagraniczne wydanie
Płyty nie posiadają polskiej wersji językowej
Brak polskich napisów, lektora/dubbingu
Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
Video resolution: 1080i
Aspect ratio: 1.78:1 Widescreen
1 Blu-ray 50GB (Region B lub Region Free)
English: Dolby TrueHD 5.1
English: LPCM 2.0
English, German, French, Spanish
Przed zakupem należy zapoznać się ze stroną O mnie,
gdyż jest ona integralną częścią opisu aukcji i zawiera dodatkowe
informacje o warunkach i zasadach sprzedaży.
Wszelkie pytania prosimy kierować drogą mailową:
Tomlinson Michael - Kids Box 6 Pupil s Book
O Tezeuszu
Nasze aukcje
Wysyłka w 24h
- Pocztą Polską
Wybrane przez Państwa książki wysyłane są po zaksięgowaniu wpłaty na naszym koncie bankowym lub po mailowej informacji iż przesyłka ma być wysłana za pobraniem.
Wysyłka gratis przy zakupach powyżej 150 złotych. Nie dotyczy przesyłek pobraniowych i zagranicznych. Książki wysyłamy również za pośrednictwem firmy kurierskiej.
Antykwariat i Księgarnia Tezeusza
Kasinka Mała 657
34-734 Kasinka Mała
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Nr konta bankowego:
62 2490 0005 0000 4500 6254 0788
Tomlinson Michael - Kids Box 6 Pupil s Book
Nr wydania:
Ilość stron:
0,32 kg
Rok wydania:
Cambridge University Press
Rodzaj okładki:
Tomlinson Michael
Opis książki
Second edition of this popular course for young learners – now seven levels including Starter. Perfect preparation for Cambridge English Young Learners: Flyers with Level 6. Well-loved by children and teachers the world over, Kid's Box Second edition is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your pupils. Perfect for general use, the course also fully covers the syllabus of the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests, preparing your students for success at Starters, Movers and Flyers. The Pupil's Book 6 presents and practises new language through entertaining stories and fantastic songs and activities, making the learning process a joy. Flyers-type tests in Level 6 assess progress, and familiarise children with the exam format.
Zobacz także...
©, sklep:
Codes and Ciphers – Sean Callery - Kody i cyfry
Codes and Ciphers – Sean Callery - Kody i cyfry
Ilość Stron: 192 strony
Wydawca: Collins (2 May 2006)
Język: English
Wymiary ksiązki: 14.8 x 1.3 x 21 cm
Książka w bardzo dobrym stanie
This one-stop practical guide will show you how to make and break codes. It comes in a handy two-colour format, and includes fascinating historical examples as well as practical tips.
Why do we use codes? Why do we need them? From the moment we began communicating, we have looked for ways to make our messages concise and clear; but with the advent of wars and trading, it has been necessary to find ways to keep some of that communication secret.
This book touches on everything from the smoke signals used by the Native Americans to the encryption devices used by government agencies and the military. As well as covering the history of the development of codes and ciphers, it also includes practical information and advice on how to make codes (whether by pencil and paper, or by computer) and, more importantly, how to break them!
Topics covered include: Native American smoke signals; masonic signals; flags and semaphore; morse code; Braille; ASCII computer language; letter substitution; computer algorithms; the role of codes and codebreaking through history, including the American Civil War and the First and Second World Wars.
Możliwość wysyłki
Gorąco polecam,
667 - pokaż numer telefonu -
Martin Scorsese Interviews
From the moment he captured the film world's attention with Mean Streets (1973), a portrait of life at the fringes of the Mob, it was clear that a dazzling cinematic talent had arrived on the scene. With Robert DeNiro, one of the most talented young actors from this film, Scorsese went on to make some of the greatest American films of the postwar period, including Taxi Driver (1976), Raging Bull (1980), and Goodfellas (1990). A Scorsese film seldom fails to stir controversy, for his devotion to realism has led him to forthrightly depict violence and its frightening randomness in the modern world. His biblical film also created quite a stir. This adaptation of Kazantzakis's The Last Temptation of Christ generated outrage among conservative religious leaders. Scorsese, however, has not limited himself to contemporary, violent urban dramas or new interpretations of biblical subjects. Other widely heralded Scorsese films include Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974), New York, New York (1977), The Last Waltz (1978), The King of Comedy (1983), After Hours (1985), The Color of Money (1986), Cape Fear (1991), The Age of Innocence (1993), Casino (1995), and Kundun (1998). These interviews begin with conversations about the highly autobiographical Mean Streets (1973), which first brought Scorsese serious attention, and end with conversations about Kundun, an overtly political biography of the Dalai Lama of Tibet, released in early 1998. "I look for a thematic idea running through my movies, he says, and I see that it's the outsider struggling for recognition. I realize that all my life I've been an outsider, and above all, being lonely but never realizing it." Peter Brunette , a professor of English and film studies at George Mason University, is the author of Roberto Rossellini and (forthcoming) The Films of Michelangelo Antonioni. With David Wills he co-authored Screen/Play: Derrida and Film Theory.
The book of Tibetan medicine. Tybetański uzdrowienie
Welcome this first and most comprehensive guide to Tibet’s ancient integrative healing system—one of the world’s oldest forms. The Book of Tibetan Medicine provides a thorough overview of the origins and practices of this holistic approach and explains how it can contribute to maintaining overall health and happiness. You will learn how to balance body, mind, and spirit through diet, behavior, yoga, herbalism, acupuncture, Buddhist relaxation techniques, and medicines derived from natural sources. By taking an especially in-depth look at contemporary ailments—including stress and allergies—this highly accessible and lushly illustrated manual brings Tibet’s age-old and traditional discipline into the here and now, with invaluable advice on how to use it to improve your well-being.
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Gaia; First Printing edition (March 4, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 185 - pokaż numer telefonu -
Pat Parelli - Raise Your Hand if You Love Horses
Opowieść o 50 latach życia twórcy programu Parelli Natural Horsemanship.
208 stron, ponad 200 kolorowych fotografii. Książka w doskonałym stanie.
UWAGA! Książka w języku angielskim.
This book chronicles the first fifty years of Pat Parelli's life. From a kid growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area suburbs watching television Westerns to becoming a young bronc rider, and from a typical horse trainer trying to make a living to an internationally renowned figure who has helped hundreds of thousands of people develop a partnership with horses, he has made a long and rewarding journey.
In his book, Pat describes the early experiences that shaped his life and reverently talks about the mentors who've influenced his thinking and helped him become a horseman. He details the struggles he's had to overcome on the long road to success, and explains how he created an unparalleled program to help other people accomplish their goals with horses. Along the way, he fondly portrays the special horses who've helped him grow into the extraordinary horseman he has become. Also, readers gets a glimpse into the future with Pat's vision of where he thinks horsemanship is headed.
Pat is famous for his riveting way of making a point through the moral of a story. This book contains hundreds of his stories, from his earliest remembrances to the fabulous experiences and opportunities he has enjoyed in the last decade. As a bonus filtered throughout the chapters, readers are treated to People's Perspectives on Pat--anecdotes in which Pat's many friends, all well-known and respected in their fields, tell stories about him.
Having been able to break through the discipline barrier, Pat has touched every aspect of the horse world--English, western, racing, all breeds and activities. It's been his passion to share his hard-learned knowledge with everyone who seeks excellence with horses. His dream and life's work unfold on the pages of this book.
Ksiazki Amerykanskie 10zl ! / Polityczne / Ksiazki po angielsku 10zl
Ksiazki Amerykanskie / Ksiazki po angielsku
English Books
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Getting Away with Murder: The Real Story Behind American Taliban John Walker Lindh and What the U.S. Government Had to Hide
by Richard D. Mahoney
Americans were shocked to learn that one of our own had fought for the Taliban. Emerging froma gruesome battle at the end of the Afghan War onto the evening news, the so-called American Taliban would become linked inextricably to the CIA paramilitary who interrogated him, All-American Hero Mike Spann, who died in that battle, beaten and tortured to death. Public opinion was one of outrage. The Bush administration vowed to make an example of the traitor. Attorney General John Ashcroft promised to bring Lindh to justice for participating in the murder of Spann. Why then, after threatening treason and the death penalty, did the government suddenly abandon a trial in favor of a soft plea deal? Why did they let him get away with it? To answer the question, this book puts John Walker Lindh on trial, but it also examines the case against the U.S. government that a trial might have revealed. What double game did the government play before the Afghan War, involving oil pipelines, CIA soldiers, and Saudi payoffs? Why did they hang Mike Spann out to dry?
s 260, new
Blood Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed in Iraq Paperback – May 2, 2007
by T. Christian Miller, nowa, s 300,
It was supposed to be quick, easy, and cheap: the Bush administration promised American taxpayers that Iraqi oil revenues would pay for it all. But thousands of lives and billions of dollars later, the Iraqi reconstruction is an undeniable failure, overrun by staggering corruption, waste, and incompetence. In BLOOD MONEY, "top-flight
investigative reporter" (Mother Jones) T. Christian Miller reveals how the Bush administration failed to keep its promises and allowed a nation to tumble into chaos. Widely hailed as one of the most important books about the quagmire, BLOOD MONEY is essential reading for anyone who cares about the fate of Iraq, and about America's place in the world.
Hit the Ground Running: A Manual for New Leaders
s. 240, used,
Want to compete with the best of the best? Then hit the ground running. Here?s how.
The toughest job in business is taking over as a new leader. You have to quickly assess the situation, pull together a strong team, decide on a strategy, and inspire everyone to execute it.
The stakes for new leaders are even higher. Whether you?ve been brought on to fix something that?s broken, launch a product, move the company in a new direction, or head up a division, every new leader is under the gun to get up to speed and begin producing strong numbers? ASAP.
In Hit the Ground Running, Jason Jennings introduces us to America?s best performing new CEOs who pulled off the most impressive transformations of the decade. They doubled revenues, more than tripled earnings per share, and doubled their company?s net profit margins.
After interviewing and analyzing the stories of these top leaders, Jennings delivers their hard- earned, battle-tested strategies, which will inspire any new leader to take the helm and start delivering.
When Richard and Tim Smucker were appointed co-CEOs of The J. M. Smucker Company, they shared their strategy with everyone and got them on board with their mission. Since then, Smucker?s went on to dominate the markets and bring in billions of dollars of new business.
Mike McCallister, the CEO of a twenty-billion-dollar health-services giant, decided to stop pretending and publicly admit that health insurance is broken. Humana began to replace a crippled, complex, and confusing system with one that works and has more than tripled revenues, earnings, and share price since McCallister took over.
By processing change in bite-size pieces, Jeffrey Lorberbaum led Mohawk Industries through twenty successful acquisitions and turned his family?s carpet-making business into the largest flooring company in the world.
Filled with engaging stories and